Starting in 2020, the Board of Directors of ESAFORM has decided to create the Best Communication Awards for papers and presentations at the annual ESAFORM conference. The aim of this award is to promote research activities in material forming and help young researchers, engaged in a PhD activity, gain European/international recognition.
During ESAFORM 2022 International Conference in Braga, Portugal, the three awards and winners were:
- the Gold Medal was awarded to Ms. Merle BRAATZ (Helmholtz-Zemtrum Hereon, Germany), for the paper/presentation entitled “Process stability and reproducibility of the dieless drawing process for AZ31 magnesium wires”.

- the Silver Medal was awarded to Mr. Bobby GILLHAM (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), for the paper/presentation entitled “The analysis of small-scale notches on the fatigue performance of SLM Ti-6Al-4V: A Theory of Critical Distances approach”.

- the Bronze Medal was awarded to Mr. Timon SUCKOW (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany), with the paper/presentation entitled “Evaluation of cold roll forming strategies for the production of a high-strength aluminium hat profile”.

Congratulations to the three winners and the best of luck with your ongoing and future research!
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